
Sympathy Bouquet with 8 Roses

Roses, limonin, assorted greens, cellophane, ribbon, and funeral ribbon. Beautiful and fine Funeral Bouquet of Roses to deliver to Funeral Homes. It is a funeral bouquet of varied flowers, in white tones, made with roses, limonin, and varied greens that give the funeral bouquet a sweet and delicate touch.

Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: IF915
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Soft White Tribute Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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  • Nerja flowers  -  Standard Glass Vase  Flower Delivery plus sign
    Standard Glass Vase USD 15.76
  • Nerja flowers  -  Standard Glass Vase  Flower Delivery plus sign
    Standard Glass Vase USD 18.92
  • Nerja flowers  -  Standard Glass Vase  Flower Delivery plus sign
    Standard Glass Vase USD 22.07

Sympathy Bouquet with 8 Roses

  • A graceful arrangement of pristine white roses
  • Thoughtful Design: Inclusion of soothing limonin and assorted greens
  • Limonin and varied greens for a delicate ensemble
  • Carefully crafted with cellophane and adorned with ribbon
  • Ideal for expressing condolences at Funeral Homes
  • Beautifully presented in a manner that honors the occasion
  • A fine memorial gift to convey sympathy and support
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