
Punchy Pink Silk Bouquet

The Punchy Pink Silk Bouquet is a vibrant arrangement that adds a pop of color and energy to any space. Standing at 73 cm tall, this stunning bouquet features an eye-catching mix of lifelike pink flowers that bring joy and warmth to your decor. It makes a perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or just to brighten someone's day.

Nerja flowers  -  Punchy Pink Flowers Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Punchy Pink Flowers Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Punchy Pink Flowers Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: HS017
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Nerja flowers  -  Punchy Pink Flowers Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Punchy Pink Flowers Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Nerja flowers  -  Punchy Pink Flowers Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Punchy Pink Silk Bouquet

  • The Punchy Pink Silk Bouquet adds vibrant color and energy to any space, standing 73 cm tall
  • Featuring lifelike pink flowers, it brings joy and warmth to your decor
  • Ideal for gifting on birthdays, anniversaries, or to uplift someone's spirits
  • Realistic look with vivid colors creates a cheerful atmosphere
  • Lasts indefinitely without the need for water or sunlight
  • Safe for allergy sufferers and eco-friendly, reusable, and easy to care for
  • Vase is not included